Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The story of my Aha Moment and Being Gifted

My Aha Moment came when I understood the best way for me to pursue my passion of enabling people to be their best and that they are not lost, was by telling my story.  I have multiple degrees, had multiple jobs, and have done things well.  Something was still missing.

For the most part our society requires you be an expert, and the means having the correct credentials to share your expertise.  I have assisted people throughout my life in finding out “how to” for whatever they needed to know or wanted to do.  However, to get into the “educational” setting you need different letter after you name than I have.  And I have an extensive alphabet soup.

I attended a Write Speak retreat with Barbara Sher.  I worked on my message and who needed to have that information.  The next step was figuring out how to get the information out to those people.  That is when the AHA came – I did not need any other letters after my name – I AM an Expert on My OWN Story and that includes the confusion, the pain, the solutions and the results.

I am focused on the gifted/talented people that have been lost – within the system, assumed they can do it all on their own, withdrew, doing ok- and yet feel lost.  I have been there, done that.  I have experienced and developed tools to get beyond the lostness and be able to enjoy the adventure.  So many new ideas, inventions, expressions of genius are being missed because of the lack of support, guidance, direction, -- and yes, discouragement and misunderstanding of individuals (youth and adults) with high potential. 

Kids (for me especially teens) are given information to pursue college – you can do well – and then nothing else.  Adults, college grads or not, get out in life and jobs.  They feel frustration or merely accept situations and do not respect themselves to pursue their abilities or passions.  In a great many situations they are not respected for those gifts and doors are slammed, so they think, “why bother?”

I want to share my story and give options to those that are not experiencing their gifts. Yes, in a broader sense, and where my work has been focused for many years, everyone has something special to develop and share with the world.  I still hold true to that belief.  However, for the next section of my life journey I am focusing on gifted/talented teens and adults.  I am writing a book.  I am blogging. I am networking and sharing with those that are advocates – experts for the gifted and talented.  I am not doing a study.  I am telling My Gifted Journey and providing tools to gain better understanding, clarify one’s gifts, develop those talents, and express them for yourself and for the world (small or global).  Many challenges that are being faced right now in the world have answers – many have already been though of but not expressed or accepted.  I want to see those solutions, expression of these gifts developed, made known and utilized to further better all our lives here and now. 

Why do I  use an owl and a robe?  The wizard – science, magic, existential connection with all.  These are symbols I have used through-out my journey.  You have to get people’s attention, especially youth.  You have to get them out of the walls, filters, they have placed themselves within to explore something new – inner and external journeys – the adventure of life to experience who they are and who they can be.  The Aha experience more consistently or being in the FLOW!! 

Listen to my Aha Moment:  http://www.ahamoment.com/pg/moments/view/17016

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