Saturday, October 2, 2010

Learning New Things - fun, not fun - depends.

As I have taken this journey and continue step by step, I am always learning new things.  This is a passion of mine to learn new, different, more-- ideas, concepts, skills.  To explore the know and the unknown.  Take trips and see the world and the people.  To open a book, watch a program, experience an event is all part of the adventure.  And yet there are times, learning is not the issue - I can learn the new topic, skill.  Then comes is there a desire to learn this skill, piece of knowledge.  In my current situation to share my thoughts, my ideas, my experiences, my adventures, my successes, my failures, my wonderings and wanderings I need to learn more about the technology world and this is not my desire.  Well it is my desire to accomplish my goal to talk with you.  However, it is not my desire, interest, to actually know how to do all this virtual technical stuff.  The next challenge is then to communicate my picture of the finished virtual product to someone that enjoys the tech details.  That in and of itself is further developing of skills.  This requires a clearer picture of what the vision in my mind is.  Then comes in the dynamic of letting go of some of the control and trusting.  My goodness what a journey and all I wanted was to get a better web site and blog up and running and connect with all my virtual hangouts?  Well come travel with me and I will share this adventure and many others from the past, today, and tomorrow. 

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